Larry Daloz interviews Dr. Vandana Shiva

From the Archives—Whidbey Institute: Earth, Spirit, and the Human Future • Volume 4:3 • Fall 2002

In July 2002, Dr. Vandana Shiva spent a week with the Institute as one of the teachers for an annual course we held in association with England’s Schumacher College. At the conclusion of the course, Dr. Shiva presented a major address to over 700 people in Seattle at the University of Washington, an event produced by the Institute with the support of several co-sponsors. Larry Daloz spoke with her before she returned to her home in India.

“Nature ensures there is a place for all life forms, for the tiniest of species. If we were following natural law, we would assure that our design of the environment is an inclusive design—that we create space for all.”

Click the image below to read the article in full.

July 20, 2015

From the Archives