A Mighty Power | October 2013 Newsletter

We at Chinook were witness to nature’s mighty power when one of our oldest and tallest fir trees was struck by lightning last month. The lightning strike, in felling the massive tree, revealed the awesome strength of the elements. The experience gave us a chance to appreciate our fellow trail users, one of whom discovered the resulting fire during a hike, and our local firefighters, whose competence in reaching the steep, off-trail site and putting out the smouldering embers helped limit the damage to a 40-ft. diameter burn.

The forest is still in balance: from death comes regrowth, and from decay comes nourishment. Its flora and fauna are not divided by generation, but grow seamlessly from and with one another. So, too, goes human life at Chinook: from our founders, we take our inspiration. To our children, we give our dreams. Our 40th Anniversary Festival took place in September, bringing together 200 Whidbey Institute and Chinook supporters to celebrate our past and build our future. Please, build it with us.

Click here to view the newsletter online and read on!

October 2, 2013
