Your donation has a significant impact in supporting programs, place and people at the Whidbey Institute. These times call upon us to embrace wild ideas, to seek profound and enduring changes within ourselves, our relationships, and our institutions.



Rashid Hughes

Rashid is a meditation teacher, restorative justice facilitator, yoga instructor, and the co-founder of the Heart Refuge Mindfulness Community for BIPOC in Washington DC. He is also the creator of a rest-centered meditation practice called the Four Pillars of R.E.S.T. and sometimes referred to as R.E.S.T.-A Practice for the Tired & Weary. His work stems from his conviction that all people have the inherent capacity to love and to feel whole because love is the ground of our shared being. Through a variety of contemplative-based practices, Rashid passionately facilitates processes of rediscovering belonging and meaning in the present moment.