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Monica DeRaspe-Bolles

Monica is a doctoral student at CIIS in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program. Her area of research is the “Third Story of the Universe” and the potential emergence of a new structure of experience fostering cosmogenic awakening. She and Brian Thomas Swimme collaborated to write the video series “Story of the Noosphere” and its forthcoming companion book. Monica lives on the Pilchuck River in Snohomish, Washington amidst her children, her grandchildren, and the family she has led in business for decades.

“Why is the New Cosmic Story so important from your perspective?”

 The New Cosmic Story holds immense significance as it reimagines our understanding of existence and our place within it. In our vast cosmos, the passage of time is not a subjective illusion we project upon the world but a blossoming of meaning as the arrival of the future drives the universe and powers all that is. The everlasting future presses into the uninterrupted continuum of our irreversible and imperishable world, here and now with each of us, at the junction where the universe is awakening. In the new cosmic story, personal destiny is entwined with the destiny of the whole, every entity a vital note in the interconnectedness that binds us all. What awe-filled joy a knowledge of the new story brings to us! Something unprecedented is always underway, and we can be sure something amazing is always ahead.

                                                                                                                     ~ Monica DeRaspe Bolles