May Blooms, and a Nod to All Mothers | May 2013 Newsletter

As the blossoms peak in our Appletree garden and we enter the heart of May, we’ve been thinking a lot about the beauty of this late spring season, with all its glorious colors, and the vibrant energy they bring along with longer and sunnier days.

Lately we have also been thinking a lot about mothers. Mother’s Day is this month, prompting a reflection on motherhood, in all its shapes and meanings: what it means to exercise one’s “maternal” genes, and being a mom, whether to a child or a nest full of robin chicks. We know this much is true, as we enter this new season of activity and wakefulness: love, connection, and nurturance are qualities we do well to emulate from all mothers of the world, including our very own mother Earth. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

Click here to view our May newsletter online and read on! 

May 2, 2013
