Amber Hamley, our housekeeping assistant and self-described “multi-tool”, attends to every task that needs doing at the Institute. She has also recently undertaken an important new challenge: to train our staff in first aid and emergency response.
Amber is a gardener, a mother of two, and a veteran with 8+ years of service to the U.S. Navy under her belt. Her military background left her with an appreciation for safety education, and she’s bringing that to the Whidbey Institute team with monthly team trainings. “Training is important where safety is concerned,” she says, “and I’m sharing information that we can all benefit from.”
Since initiating a staff training series in August, Amber has shared information on first aid for burns, pressure points to stop bleeding, defibrillator use in a cardiac emergency, and treatment for heat exposure. Amber’s attention to safety training is appreciated not only for staff enrichment but for the promise it holds for every institute visitor: in an emergency, help is at hand.
At home, Amber is a devoted mother. She lives with her husband Chris, in active duty with the Navy, and their daughters, five year-old Jade and 11 year-old Faith. She loves to garden, and surrounds herself with flower beds and houseplants. “I’m captivated by what nature has to show us,” she says, “and family is my life.”