Our first White Pine Project has been completed by a team of young neighbors, using the lumber milled from our two felled giants!
Waldorf third graders worked tirelessly and with tremendous focus, determination, and camaraderie to build a beautiful woodshed with the leadership of Waldorf parent Eric Gelfand and our Resident Caretaker, Thomas, with additional guidance from Brian Boyd, Mr. Carlson, Nick Toombs, and Robyn Calvin. This effort was both a learning opportunity and a gift, from the students, to our greater community. As noted in a recent WIWS newsletter story on the subject, “nothing could have been achieved without the donation of wood and roofing materials provided by Kim Hoelting and his mill chief, Geoff Paul.”
The woodshed is a beautiful testament not only to the children’s hard work and craftsmanship, but also to their love of this land: it sits beside a fire pit which has stood as the center of many reverent circles, seeming quite at home beside the forest.
The White Pine Partnership continues to move forward from planning into execution. All of the milled lumber has been kiln dried and is now back on site, at Woodland Hall. If you are, or know of, a local artisan who wishes to get involved, please indicate your interest here and stay tuned for updates on a future gathering for project participants.