Behind the scenes, our passion for what we do, combined with a diversity of life and career experience, makes our team exceptionally effective. The Whidbey Institute invites whole people to be fully themselves as members of our thriving community.
“I strive to help create … environments where people can show up more authentically … where people are empowered to follow their passion, vision, and mission as individuals. By liberating that purpose and passion, organizations really get engaged people—people who are working toward a collective purpose as well as toward their own actualization. That’s happening here.”
—Chris Clark, former consultant & Board member
“I remember the community of workers and what happened between and among us while we were [building the Sanctuary]. We did work that was true and authentic—a real expression of who we are in the world and what we hope to become. My greatest hope is that all of us can find that little, holy place in all that we do—that we can dare to make it a real expression of who we are in the moment, and what we see, and what we feel.”
—Kim Hoelting, Builder
“I will never really leave this place. The Whidbey Institute will always be a home for me, as it is for so many across the globe. I look forward to witnessing the continual evolution and growth of this place that I love—that we all love. It could not possibly be in more loving or capable hands.”
—Dan Mahle, former Program Manager