Summer 2020 Volunteer Newsletter

Dear Volunteers,

It’s early on a warm, grey morning. I’m looking out into my yard at myriad shades of green. Too numerous to count, each one unique in its own beauty; all of them together making up a lush tapestry of color and living beings.

I am constantly struck by and grateful for the vibrant ecosystem in which we live. As we celebrate the diversity of our natural world, let us also remember how poor we would all be without the diversity and richness of human cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives that thread through this world. Please take a minute to read our recent newsletter, Re-Membering, if you haven’t already.

I’m grateful for each one of you. Your communications brighten my days, and your care and support of the land inspire and energize our staff and community!

Deep warmth and appreciation,
Could we have a new pronoun that allows us to speak of the living world in a respectful way, not as an object? And I’ve recently been writing and thinking about this, and the proposal for another pronoun is to use the pronoun ‘ki,’ pronounced ‘key.’  . . . So, rather than speaking of the natural world as an object, we can speak of it as kinfolk, and that changes everything. When we start to think about the world as our relatives, as our providers, as our companions, as you know, it transforms how we are in the world.

― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass:
Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants

Click here to view the issue and read on:

June 27, 2020
