Heron Relocation

Heron Relocation

Heron moved about 100 feet in order to make space for the Cabin Village Commons. While the relocation was done more out of necessity than for beauty, we think it looks absolutely beautiful in its new spot!

Below, the site for the future Cabin Village Commons is being prepared. The concrete pad at the left of the image is the former Garbanzo outdoor kitchen site.

February 27, 2020

Moving Heron

Heron moved this week, making room for Cabin Village Commons construction. Once our smallest guest cabin, Heron will serve as a temporary job shed for the crews during the coming year. In the long run, we’re not sure if Heron will be remodeled for future guest use or repurposed as an outbuilding—we do know, however, that it looks adorable in its new spot next to Madrone Meadow!

February 12, 2020