Changing the Climate on Climate Change
by Marnie Jones with Yin Yu and Stina Janssen
Cascadia Climate Collaborative held a panel discussion entitled Women of Color Speak Out at Town Hall in Seattle. Panelists Sarra Tekola, Zarna Joshi, Afrin Sopariwala, and Yin Yu discussed the vital role of women of color in the environmental rights movement in a far-ranging conversation which touched on climate change as an extension of colonialism; big industry’s divide and conquer strategies; diversionary tactics and the “plastic kayak” objection; emotional resilience and ethical responsiveness in the face of grueling scientific evidence; the role of diet in greenhouse gas emissions; the difference between tokenization and solidarity; karma and the human capacity for compassion; the power of a maternal, human response; and the importance of speaking from the heart about what we love and are in danger of losing.
The event was sponsored by ShellNo Action Counsel and Backbone Campaign with Kshama Savant Solidarity Fund, Greenpeace, Climate Solutions, Yes! Magazine, Central Co-Op, and Got Green, with catering by Mayuri and chai from Traveler’s Thali House. Other support came from Mike McGinn and friends, who managed the box office.
The event was recorded for broadcast by the Seattle Channel, and Sydney Brownstone, a reporter with the Stranger, live tweeted the event. Mick McCormick recorded the event for his radio and public access TV shows, and Charles Conatzer and Johnny Crisceone recorded for live stream and post production videos. Alex Garland, Michael Moynihan, and Marnie Jones took photos.
So a person’s opinion matters more or less by skin tone? How?
It does not, and now that one of the speakers (Zarna) has became a meme It might, show how some of the ideas shared at the Whidbey institute are invalid.