Everything is Thriving: Meet Breeze Gabrielson

Everything is Thriving: Meet Breeze Gabrielson

Breeze Gabrielson joined the Whidbey Institute team as our Westgarden Intern this summer, and in that role she helps with the huge job of maintaining and improving the Westgarden. Breeze is currently focused on learning more about medicinal plants alongside Westgarden Steward Jules LeDrew, with the goal of incorporating the healing power of plants into her own life in order to help others do the same. Read More →

December 19, 2018

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Tom Buxton

Tom and Terra in 2006

Tom Buxton has worn many hats in his 20 years of volunteerism with the Whidbey Institute. Landscaper, carpenter, board member, treasurer—you name it, he’s done it. It’s a story that begins in the fall of 1998, when Thomas Berry Hall was just getting finished.  Read More →

November 15, 2018

Coming Back to Ourselves: Mindfulness Meditation with Sarah Manchester

When asked why she meditates, Sarah Manchester said that through meditation, she  observes the activity of her mind which helps her to touch into a deeper part of herself. “Why wouldn’t I want to share that process with others?” she asked. “I lead a weekly meditation class in Langley, which is great, but in a retreat, we can allow the meditation to deepen.” Read More →

October 31, 2018

Driven by Purpose: an Interview with Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller, who describes herself as “blissfully unacademic,” is passionate about purpose. She’s drawing from three decades as an entrepreneur in business consultation and leadership development in her current roles with Encode.org and Evolution at Work. The former supports purpose-driven entities in “baking in” and legally protecting purpose as a bottom line, while the latter supports personal development and capacities for people working in entities that have integrated or are integrating the principles of self-organization. I connected with Christiane last week about the Language of Spaces, a framework which supports expansion of the human capacities required to thrive within the increasing complexity of the new world of work. Here’s that conversation. —Marnie Jackson

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September 24, 2018

Food and Medicine: Spotlight on Jules LeDrew

I caught Westgarden Steward Jules LeDrew at work, and interviewed her while we transplanted romaine lettuce starts. Here’s our conversation.

—Marnie Jackson

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July 11, 2018

Meet Our Board: Spotlight on Joel DeJong

I recently connected on the phone with Joel de Jong, a board member since October 2017 and lifelong entrepreneur, to talk about work, community service, and his Whidbey Institute board involvement. You may have seen his Emerging Future Podcast shared in our newsletters. While we spoke, Joel was tromping through Cheasty Greenspace southeast of downtown Seattle. Here’s our interview. —Marnie Jackson Read More →

April 3, 2018

Journey to the Soul of Business: An Interview with Blaine Bartlett

“The primary focus of my work is on what I’ve come to call Compassionate Capitalism. How to ensure that the workplace of today and tomorrow enables individuals, society and the planet the opportunity to thrive? The answer to this question is rooted in compassion.”

—Blaine Bartlett

Blaine Bartlett—best selling author, executive and leadership coach, and president and CEO of Avatar Resources, Inc., with affiliate offices in four nations—is coming to Whidbey next month with a simple message: business is a spiritual undertaking.

Blaine and I spoke last week about what “the soul of business” really means, about how and why we should put mission at the center of corporate and non-profit work, and what people might experience when they attend Journey to the Soul of Business at the Whidbey Institute October 29—30 (new dates!). Here’s that conversation.

—Marnie Jackson Read More →

February 26, 2018

Meet the Board: Spotlight on Sanjay

Sanjay Kapoor joined our board in May 2017. He inspires me with his frank recognition of the urgency of the challenges before us, such as climate change, and his drive to help the organization gain clarity about how best to live into its purpose with necessary swiftness. It was my pleasure to speak with him recently about some of what brought him to this role with the Whidbey Institute. Here’s that interview. —Marnie Jackson

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December 15, 2017

Soul-Stirring Work: An Interview with Sarri Gilman

About the Transform Your Boundaries Workshop


Friday, February 2 through Sunday, February 4

Tuition and Fees

Tuition: $300 for those paying their own way; $375 for those supported by a business or organization.

Tuition starts at $275 with earlybird discount.

Fees: $325 for onsite lodging, meals, and facilities use; $225 for meals and facilities use by those lodging offsite.

Discounts: $25 earlybird discount through January 5; $25 discount for each person registering in a group of three or more with a single transaction.

Learn More & Register

We’re excited to welcome author, psychotherapist, Cocoon House founder, and South Whidbey resident Sarri Gilman to the Whidbey Institute in February for the Transform Your Boundaries® Workshop, designed to create better lives, better work, and a better world through our relationships to our boundaries. I had a chance to talk to Sarri last week to learn more about her and the work. Here’s our conversation. —Marnie Jackson Read More →

December 13, 2017

Welcoming New Board Members

We welcomed Sanjay Kapoor to our board of directors in May 2017 and Larisa Benson, Joel DeJong, and Mark Forman to our board in October 2017. We’re excited by the extraordinary skills and capacity they bring to the team, and will be sharing more about each of them with you in the coming months.

Mark Forman may already be a familiar name to our readers. Mark founded Forman & Company in 2008, with the stated goal of putting 35 years’ experience in film, video, and writing to work in service to clients whose mission and goals are congruent with his own. Mark has donated three incredible videos to the Whidbey Institute since October 2016—they’re presented below, in chronologic order.

November 15, 2017