Your donation has a significant impact in supporting programs, place and people at the Whidbey Institute. These times call upon us to embrace wild ideas, to seek profound and enduring changes within ourselves, our relationships, and our institutions.


Event Listing

Date & Time Details: Gatherings are on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30pm. All Gatherings take place in the Sanctuary on the Heartland Campus, with the exception of the October date which will take place in Storyhouse in the Legacy Forest. There is no Gathering scheduled for August.

Location: Whidbey Institute

Address: 6449 Old Pietila Rd, Clinton, WA 98236, USA

Contact: Registrar
[email protected]

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Monthly Meditation Gathering

With Caverly Morgan

Open Dates

Monthly Meditation Gatherings focus on direct experiences of who we truly are, integrating practice into our everyday lives, and embodying realization.

Caverly combines meditation with a facilitated group discussion that is interactive and personal. Learn to see how suffering is created in your life and gain the tools to open, transform, and explore your direct experience of truth. Designed both for newcomers and those who would like to deepen their practice.

These gatherings are offered on a sliding scale; additional scholarships are also available. You can choose to purchase a 2024 Pass or individual drop-in’s.  To request a scholarship, please email [email protected]


This group meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 7-8:30pm in the Sanctuary. Dates include:  2/7, 3/6, 4/3, 5/1, 6/5, 7/3, 9/4, 10/2*, 11/6 and 12/4. (Please note: there is no gathering in August.)

Parking and Getting to/from the Sanctuary

Please park in the LOWER parking lot and then take the direct path to and from the Sanctuary. The rest of the main campus will typically be reserved for retreat groups.

* Note: In October, we will meet in the beautiful Storyhouse facility in Legacy Forest. Please drive directly to and from Storyhouse; the rest of the campus will be fully closed for another group. Please observe all parking signs.

Recommended but not required reading: The Heart of Who We Are: Realizing Freedom Together by Caverly Morgan





Caverly Morgan
Caverly Morgan is a spiritual teacher, non-profit founder, speaker and writer who blends the original spirit of Zen with a modern non-dual approach. She is the author of The Heart of Who We Are: Realizing Freedom Together as well as A Kids Book About Mindfulness. Caverly is the founder of Peace in Schools, a nonprofit that created the nation’s first for-credit mindfulness class in public high schools. Her practice began in 1995 and has included eight years of training in a silent Zen monastery. Caverly leads meditation retreats, workshops and online classes internationally. Learn more at
Learn more about Caverly Morgan

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